Editor Note: Every once and a while we like to open the blog to reflect a point of view that you may not see in other places. So when Lady At My Bank reached out to us and asked to do a Guest Column, we happily agreed.
Where are people's papers at? See that table back there, with the pen chained to it, see those stacks of all different forms? Those are there for a reason. People are endlessly coming up here asking for withdrawls, making deposits and nobody is filling out their forms. You want me to fill all this out for you? This makes my job frustrating and this is why I have a headache. I am not kidding when I tell you I am on my very last nerve. I have twice handwritten a sign and taped it up to my teller window reminding customers 'COMPLETE ALL FORMS BEFORE COMING UP HERE', but my manager makes me take it down. If you pulled this kinda stuff at the post office they would send you to the back of the line so fast. But at this bank, we have to offer our customers '100% a+ customer service', most times it is all I can do to control myself and not reach up under the glass window and strangle a customer.
-Lady At The Bank
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