David was upset over the death of his idol and we now assume he has turned to the streets. We have been contacting all of the teen shelters throughout New York state with no luck. David if you are reading this please call us. Your mom's are worried about you. Joanne has taken our meager Oh hai Vintage profits to the race track and I've been hitting the juice. Hard. The family is falling apart.
David was last seen 7/23 at the Duane Reade on W 20th shop lifting 5 bags of jerky and a 6 pack of miller light. The stores security camera shows him wearing a black denim Fubu brand two piece with a gold embroidered bulldog on the back of the jacket.
Please contact us or the New York City Police if you see our baby. Do not try to approach David.
Missing Persons Description
athletic build
fair complexion
dark hair
brown eyes
lower back tattoo of a dark skinned pixie sitting on a yin yang.
We appreciate your help in this time of distress.
Thank You,
Sarah & Joanna