Saturday, June 27, 2009


I was hanging out with my good friend, Fancy, and her boyfriend, Thomas, the other day. And all they did was makeout the entire time. Seriously you guys, I'm sitting right next to you. As Stephanie Tanner would say:"HOW RUDE!"

Web TV Freak Out Freak Zone

Whoops we went on web TV. Yup Fashion Designer, Sara Lund and someone else went balls out and showed our faces on the web to the max extreme. Amanda and Maria have a show called Late Night lemonade on we figured why not? It was pretty fun. No regrets.
You have to realize it was a first for JoJo and myself. So please forgive us for jibba jabbin and fidgeting around like nervous teens. We must say Amanda and Maria looked mad hot in our Oh Hai Fashions. Therefor we consider the show to be a complete success.
They looked so freaking good you could pretty much watch this with the volume off.

Late Night Lemonade - Fashion

Watch This Episode on

Well Did it pay off? Hellz yes We had a whopping 3% raise in blog hits. Wowza ! And like 2 people had stuff to say about it. Smello ? It was our first time on live cam so please forgive our nervous hands and awkwardness. Come on guys It's hard to do a web show without the king of pop.
Sigh I had always assumed everyone enjoys our charming nonsense but now i realize we are probably living a lie.

Special thanks to our friends Lynn Shawcroft and Zack Kahn for dominating the IM ! Yous guyz ruled. And thanks again To Maria Blasucci and Amanda Faye Lund for having us !

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I recently celebrated my surrogate Memaw's 90th bday, and it occurred to me that I have never google image searched 'Memaw." Are you joking me? How is that possible? Well, I got down on it last night and after like the 25th page, I came across this Memaw that grew a mad long horn on her head. The craziest part is that this 69 year old Memaw noticed it growing 20 years ago! I guess at some point we all just have to accept our flaws and say to hell with it all.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Well David, I guess it's over. You're too busy being an ultimate gaymer and don't care about the blog no more. You know what? Yar Fired! Just joking, but seriously the web misses your sensual touch.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Egg Scuse Me ?

Whoa Today i think i feel like eating a boiled egg in the shape of a cute bunny head.
If only life was that easy? This bunny egg mold reminds me of the vintage egg cuber i bestowed unto Hellington in the year 2005. it's true friends give friends egg molds.
See egg cuber pictured above.


via justbento

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Welcome Back !

Welcome back David ! Jim from housewares had his wife make you this cake. Things haven't been the same here without you. So do tell us... how was Michigan ?
Any new stores at the mall ?


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Future Is Freakin Adorable

If you went to Disneyland during the late 80's early 90's. Or if you are European. You might remember Micheal Jackson's Captain EO in 3-d.
I'd like to thank Francis Ford Coppola and that other guy for this particular singing..dancing extravaganza. One of the best things to ever happen to Disneyland. R.I.P.
It is truly unfortunate that creatures like these do not exist. With the exception of Hooter..... he was always causing problems or some shit. Unfortunately I couldn't find any good pictures of Odee, Idee and and Hooter. They must be reclusive these days.
I guess I would rather have a Whip Warrior then a Hooter anyway.

Also fun fact.... Betty Petcha Madden..The costume designer for this glorious work of art is also responsible for such films as Girls Just want to Have Fun and Baby Geniuses.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wife Swap Gem

King Curtis we are also on the having fun team.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Makeovers Reloaded!

Its time for The Hills' makeovers again. Due to the overwhelming response (only 2 goddamn comments? Come on you guys, seriously) Janet Reno was chosen as the makeover lady this time around. I think she looks lovely before and after! I think i'll stick with a politics there. So whos next?
1) Former Vice Presidentail Candidate, Geraldine Ferraro
2) German Chancellor, Angela Merkel
3) The late fromer Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Monkey Mom's

How dare anyone call Mary Lynn a Wackadoo? I personally am not going to forget that there is a chance that I myself could be a future Mary Lynn. What would I do if i found out I was barren ? or God forbid not find a man who actually wanted to spend any time with me let alone raise a child.
All and all this seems like a practical solution and a winning situation for both Mary Lynn and Silly Willie. God Bless.

Mary Lynn and Silly Willie
Lorie and Jessie

* Sarah

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dr. Dre is The Swan

Dr. Dre has retired his Gin and juice for skinnytini's . I'm all about self improvement but this is way loony toons. I still can't believe Ice-T is on Law&Order. And now Dr. Dre gets pedicures and does yoga. How does this happen ?


The Swan. Where are they now ?

No really where are they? Everybody knows we freaking loved The Swan makeover show on the FOX network. Enough to go to the season finale Pageant. Which was outrageous on so many levels. I can guarantee that these ladies were the real deal. They were walking around in pageant gowns as their families sat outside the sound stage eating Cheetos and making glitter signs. This was no joke. The best part was the swimsuit competition. They all had heavy duty pantyhose on ! loved it.
The Swan was sick twisted and absolutely amazing. And now ? Where the heck are those Swan beauties? Why no updates on the Tyra show? they just disappeared.
I have been desperately searching the interwebs for recent pictures. Contestants facebook accounts? anything ? I've had little luck.
I'm still not satisfied.
WTF ! This is what it is for. Oh Hai Vintage is desperate for more contestant updates.

Cindy Ingle Now

Beth Lay Now !

* Sarah

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh hai Vintage does Youtube

First mega mix original oh hai vintage youtube video. Are you impressed ? I didn't think so.
Ren fair in the hizouse.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Secret Eating

Sometimes when dinning alone you might take a few liberties when it comes to food pairings. For example if you were making dinner with a friend you would probably not put an outrageous amount of Parmesan on your spaghetti ..plop some in between toast and make a spaghetti sandwich. right ? When you are at home by yourself watching Con Air.. eh no body is around to judge. spaghetti sandwich is so on.
I couldn't tell if this was a weird loner lunch combo or not. Maybe i just wasn't that hungry.
Is this embarrassing ?

* Sarah

Building the Pyramids

Zack Galifianakis
I dunno. A Canadian person? A schooner sailing backwards
then I ate it. THE END

Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Famous Duo

Joanna and myself have been compared to several infamous duo's through out our fun and exiting past. For example some say we are similar to entertainers such as Pen & Teller. Cheech and Chong..Oh also..political figures ....i.e Princess Buttercup and that old hag that neged her.
I feel as though out of those couples we are most like Pen & Teller because we love Vegas first off. and also the comedy, the magic..the hooters chicken wings and the 90's fashion.
Hey Penn.. Yea boyee. i still wear mine long in the back. don't hate.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Guest Column time... Horanges ?

Editor Note: Every once and a while we like to open the blog to reflect a point of view that you may not see in other places. So when Lynn Shawcroft reached out to us and asked(begged )to do a Guest Column, we happily agreed.


I was telling a friend the other day about my favourite* Family Feud episode.
During the QuickMoney round the question was: "Name a food that begins with H"
It makes me laugh so hard.
Yet..hmmm, even as I was telling him about it, I had that weird feeling you get when you tell a story that you aren't quit sure is real or made up.
I don't think it happened. Nah...not even close. Somehow, somewhere I have made up an episode of Family Feud where a question and answer involving Horanges! exists.
I'm not sure why this provides me with comfort - and meaning. But it does. I guess I prefer to live in a world where someone can say "H'oranges!" confidently into a microphone to win money. It fills in the lonely cracks of our existence and gives me hope.

I also like the idea that the brain can make up weird game show bloopers to pass the time...and then convince the same brain that it's real.
Thanks for having me OH Hai!

Lynn Shawcroft
* I'm Canadian.

See Bellow For Oh Hai Artist Interpretation.

Trap Door

Was just casually youtubing the term "trap Door" Why ? Why not right ?
And then I discovered this lovely claymation series called The Trap Door.
Surfing the web is like being an adventurer of the sedentary kind.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Craaaazy Captcha !

I have been noticing captcha's lately when posting Oh hai links on the facebook.
lolz captcha's are weird. I got this Captcha today !


Mad cat

I'd be pissed too if I was that cat.
Bro your ginger girlfriend is hardly impressed. Show her some LARP fighting skills or take her to Denny's or something. I bet that would work.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ancient Faces

Do you love faces as much as we love faces ?

This is one of those ancestry style web sites and they have a mad sweet name. It's called and they let you do a search where you can actually look at all of these sweet family photos that people post.
It's interesting even if you are not directly related to these people. I'd like to think I'm related to all of them. it's more fun that way.
Use your eyeballs to check it out.



It looks like the Catholic Church is cool with alien existing, still not OK are gays and birth control.
via BBC

Monday, June 1, 2009

Justice, Star Style

I don't care what people say, Star Jones rules.

Ain't No Party Like A Mrs.Mills Party

Mrs. Mills Rules! I never even knew that there was such as thing as a Mrs.Mills! But there is. I saw this record at a Salvation Army and bought it even though I don't have a record player. I;m now gonna be a Mrs.Mills collector so keep your eye out for her hard to find album "Knees-Up Party".