I loved going to the wax museum as a child. My Grandma Betty Ann would always take me to the one in buena park when she was in town and or the San Francisco one when we were visiting up north.
The best part was when they would have some guy in a bellhop costume stand with the wax figures pretending to be one and then he'd jump out and scare you. Grandma would scream bloody murder and then throw a fit every time. Then she'd buy us one of those felt posters with our faces digitally imposed on the bodies of the cast of baywatch.
She would let us spend as much time as we wanted in the gift shop while she stood outside and smoked her Virginia slims. I miss you grandma...your visits were the best.
Anywayz these well executed yet inaccurate figures are standing in some massive creepy fridge some whur in the valley. waiting to be family owned.
lucky for all the weirdo's out there (ourselves and anyone reading this blog) they are now auctioning them off...
The picture above is an example of what my bedroom would look like if i wasn't a broke SOB. It features Dolly, Mcaulay Culkin (yea i know creep town) and good ol Rodney Dangerfield.
This would be a different picture (x-rated) if they had the three amigo's or something.
So there you go. Now even you could own your very own Brad Pitt from legends of the fall. Or Willie Nelson or president Richard Nixon. Most auctions are starting from 1 to 2 grand. Go ahead pick up a jesus resurrected for your auntie or the fonz for your cousin. They are going for chump change. (Some shoes not included)
hollywood wax museum auction
The auction house does not take resposiblitity for wax figures coming to life in the middle of the night and killing you.
happy bidding !
Gross Mcaulay Culkin has an old man face! Michael Jackson does not want.